About 1stbid

1stbid is a leading auction house specializing in authentic antique and vintage hand-woven rugs, as well as a curated selection of objets d'art from around the world. Our collection is carefully hand-picked and assessed by proprietor Victor Mashihi, whose family has been in the business of selling rugs and objects of art since 1916.

With gallery locations in Manhattan and Washington DC, our collection is open for viewing seven days a week. For those unable to visit us in person, our monthly online auctions hosted on our website and other platforms offer the convenience of bidding from the comfort of your own home.

In addition to our auction services, we also provide appraisal and accept consignment from estates, dealers, and private owners of fine art and rugs.

At 1stbid, we pride ourselves on offering a range of exquisite pieces that cater to a variety of aesthetic preferences and price points. Whether you're an experienced art collector or a novice decorator, we're confident that we have something to suit your needs.

For more information, please contact us at info@1stbid.com. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates on our latest offerings and events.